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A limited number of media and press passes are available for each Australasian Research Management Society Conference (ARMS). We offer press passes to qualified professional journalists and analysts as a service to the industry and consumers, to add value for exhibitors and sponsors, and to help promote the event.

Press passes at ARMS Conferences provide access to:

  • Keynote Addresses

  • General Sessions

  • Ad hoc functions by invite only

ARMS reserves the right to close some portions of an event to the press, without notice.

We give priority to proposals from journalists who:
1.    Work for mainstream, Indigenous, and online media outlets capable of reaching large or influential audiences within the research community. 
2.    Have a track record of insightful coverage in areas related to research and research management.
3.    Have a specific commission for coverage of the conference (and not just of speakers or others attending).


Press Pass

A Press Pass is a complimentary admission to the conference that includes the right to attend the conference (typically for a limited time). Press Passes are given to working press staff to allow them to access and move around the conference site. Press Passes do not include any ARMS membership rights. Press pass to be visible at all times. A press pass does not include a list of delegates that are in attendance. 


Press Pass Eligibility

Press Passes are available solely for working press staff – defined as individuals employed by recognised media outlets such as television and radio stations, newspapers, and other forms of news coverage, who are on assignment from those outlets and who would not otherwise be attending the conference if their jobs did not require it. Working press staff includes immediate supporting and technical staff such as producers, photographers, camera operators, and sound personnel. A press pass will not automatically be given, it is at the discretion of the ARMS Conference Organising Committee. 


Press Pass Revocation

Individuals who attend an ARMS Conference with a press pass, but then attempt to market products or services to event attendees or exhibitors, will be asked to surrender their event badge and leave the event, and will be barred from attending future ARMS events as press.


Privacy, Photography, and Electronic Recording

These rules apply to all ARMS members as well as members of the professional press.

  • ARMS members should be aware that photographs, video, and audio recordings occur during the convention, and that their likenesses may appear in these recordings. Attendees and members agree to assign without compensation the use of their likenesses for the use of promotion material.

  • Press should be polite and ask before taking photographs or recordings of members and attendees whenever possible. Photography and audio/video recordings for personal archival use is generally acceptable, unless an individual makes it clear that they do not wish to be photographed or recorded, in which case it becomes expressly forbidden.

  • The usage of photographic or recording devices is prohibited in certain areas of the conference. Where allowed, please take photographs before or after a session or event to avoid distracting speakers and audience members.

  • ARMS may seek permission to publish photographs taken by Press.


Travel Apps


​Please submit an application to register for a press pass top attend the 2025 conference below.

Press FAQ

This page contains some key information for journalists wishing to attend an ARMS Conference.


Who can apply for a complimentary press pass?
Reporters, editors and freelance journalists may apply for a complimentary press pass. They will need to provide proof of the organisation they represent.


How do I apply for a press pass?
ARMS will make a limited number of complimentary press passes available to accredited journalists for each conference. Approved accreditation documents must be submitted to be considered for a complimentary press pass. To apply for a complimentary press pass please complete the Press Pass Application Form above.


What accreditation documents should I provide?
In order to consider your application we ask you to submit proof of an affiliation with a nationally or regionally recognised media outlet and/or proof you hold an editorial job title and/or evidence of your journalistic credentials. 


Will I have access to all areas at the event?
No, ARMS will provide access to keynote addresses, general sessions and ad hoc functions (by invite only). 


Can I bring a camera crew/photographer/translator?
This may be possible, they will also need to apply for a press pass. 


Where can I pick up my badge?
Press passes will be available for collection at the main registration desk at the Conference.


How can I access images and graphics related to the event?
Please contact the Conference and Major Events Coordinator prior to the event to request images and graphics from the event. Please note that unpublished data may not be published without prior permission. All images and graphics provided from us must be credited to ARMS in the publication.

Can I publish results presented at the event?
As many results presented at the event have not yet been published, journalists will need to request permission from the speaker / presenter in order to use the data.


Are bloggers able to obtain a press pass?
Bloggers are subject to the same press registration process as all other media, and registration will be judged individually and based upon the credibility of the blog itself. Bloggers must have covered research or research management topics for a minimum of three months with a consistent posting rate (at least 1 post a week). If you do not receive a complimentary press pass, you will still be able to finalize your registration with an online payment.

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